Wednesday, November 11, 2009

auto-tune, for better or worse

My boss was telling me today that there is no good hip hop music out there any more. He was downloading a bunch of really old stuff like Ryz and Gang Starr. He's not really into conscious (political) hip hop because he says most of it has no edge. And he respects some Atmospheric (trip hop) type stuff but it's not really his thing.

Which brings me to Jay Z's latest single, "D.O.A - Death of Auto-Tune". Let me say that no matter what his motives, I fucking love this song and Jay Z (and the video, for that matter). I think he is totally doing it for the publicity of being on the "anti" side of a movement. Especially since Kanye produced his whole album and they made a joint decision to take all the Auto-Tune samples off the tracks. And yes, he is 39 and fighting to stay as popular as he has been the last 10 years, as well as dealing with the economic slump that has hit the music industry hard. I don't think it really matters though. Auto-Tune really is out of control and he is right that it has turned from innovative technology into a "gimmick". The reality is, so many musicians from all genres rely on it now that it is not going anywhere. I think it is a fresh idea to take a step backwards and I'm really surprised at all the criticism Jay Z has gotten for it. These people don't care about T-Pain's feelings; they're just pissed they didn't think of it first.