Friday, May 8, 2009

word to your mother

how old school is that title? everyone who is 5+ years older than me seems to think it is hilarious, which i find hilarious. ohh, old people are funny.

anyway, i went to a mother's day tribute performance at the Baghdad Theatre last night where people read hilarious stories about their childhood/teenage years. soo funny.

i have to mention this one woman in particular, Sarah Hoopes, who read these hilarious excerpts from her 16 year old diary. She currently has a project in which she blogs her journal entries from today, 15 years ago. ha, did that make any sense? in other words, everyday she copies her journal entries from that day, 15 years ago, into her blog, without correcting anything except the occasional spelling error.

she's part of this show called Mortified, kind of a once a month thing at the Someday Lounge that i keep meaning to go to, where people read to each other from their childhood journals. apparently at the last performance she shared her "tween-aged erotic vampire fantasies". i'm sad i missed that one.

anyway, check her out here..... or at Mortified on June 19th/20th.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

tongue-tied:: some video art

i stole the name for this blog from a poem by erica schreiner, a video and performance artist from portland that used to be a friend of mine (we don't keep in touch so well)..

lucid unison is a collaboration of (8) artists from all over the country that are bringing their multi-media projects to the interweb. it's a somewhat erratic and inconsistent venture, lurching in one direction and another and another, but the interplay between these artists' individual styles is dynamic! besides, sometimes it's the awkward moments that are the most scintillating.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Pocket Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary © 2005 Oxford University Press:
folie /fɔli/ feminine noun
  1. madness;
    aimer qn/qch à la ~ to be mad GB or crazy about sb/sth;
  1. act of folly;
    elle a fait une ~ en acceptant she was mad to accept;
  1. extravagance.
~ des grandeurs delusions of grandeur.